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At a time when it feels like everything is falling apart, I was looking for what was lost. Naturally, I held the film camera lens that helped me document and validate my reality. This is a series of incorrectly positioned or temporarily lost, objects, people and things. The project is a collection of 3 notebooks, wrapped in random metal parts. Explored themes of disorientation, memory and reclamation.

0_1_ Found posts around the internet of people looking for physical objects in the virtual world. The dependent relationship between raised thought and laughter.
0_2_ At the time my grandfather were in the hospital. It made me think a lot about a person's treatment as an object. Iv'e used the text from the "Butterfly and the Diving Bell" film, based on a paralyzed man that conducts silent dialogue with the environment through his thought.
0_3_ Where are those who moved from their place? In every corner, but nowhere in sight. Bring them home.

0_1_ - 0_3_

Lost and not found
Collection of incorrently or temporarily lost objects, people and things.
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